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Return and Refund Policy

How to return, replace or get a refund for an order

Updated on - 17th July 2024

Al Mutalib Return Policy

We strive to ensure your satisfaction with every Al Mutalib purchase. If you are not completely satisfied with your order, we offer returns and exchanges under certain conditions.

What can be returned?

You may return unopened, unused, and undamaged items within 3 days of delivery, provided the items are in their original packaging. Returns will only be accepted if there is a manufacturing defect or a mismatch of the product you received. Al Mutalib will determine, at its sole discretion, whether the product qualifies for return based on these criteria.

What cannot be returned?

  • Opened or used items
  • Items damaged during return shipping (ensure proper packaging)
  • Items not in their original packaging
  • Items returned after 3 days of delivery

How to return an item:

  1. Contact us within 3 days of delivery to initiate a return. You can reach us by email at [your email address] or phone at [your phone number].
  2. Once your return is authorized, we will provide you with instructions on how to ship the item back to us using a registered courier service.
  3. Please ensure the item is securely packaged to prevent damage during return shipment.


  • We will issue a full refund for the returned item(s) once we receive them and confirm they meet our return criteria.
  • Shipping and handling fees are non-refundable.
  • Refunds will be processed to the original payment method used for the purchase.
  • Please allow up to 45 days for the refund to be reflected in your account.

Cash on Delivery Orders:

We do not offer refunds for cash on delivery orders.

Order Cancellation:

You may request to cancel your order if it has not yet been processed and shipped. Please contact us during business hours to request a cancellation. We reserve the sole discretion to accept or deny cancellation requests. If your cancellation is approved, any refund will be issued to the original payment method used within 45 days.

We reserve the right to refuse any return or exchange at our sole discretion.

These terms and conditions are subject to change at any time.

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